How can junior lawyers distinguish themselves in an era when pulling regular all-nighters at the office is increasingly frowned upon? The Brief seeks expert advice.
As law firms chew over their rankings in the latest editions of the two big legal directories, The Brief speaks to experts about how they can improve their performance next time
As we approach the fifth anniversary of the pandemic, The Brief looks at the ways flexible working has been adopted by law firms, and uncovers a range of very different attitudes to office life
What skills will the next generation of lawyers need to survive in the era of AI? The Brief hears from a range of legal leaders
Health and wellbeing are increasingly important both to employers and employees. The Brief looks into the latest developments.
Last month LexisNexis published its most recent report into the smaller end of the UK legal market. The Brief looks at its key findings.
There is no shortage of awards schemes aimed at the legal sector. The Brief finds out how to pick the most suitable ones to enter, and to give yourself the best chance of winning.
What skills do aspiring lawyers need for a successful career in the mid-21st Century? A selection of our previous “The Brief Talks To” contributors share their insights.
There can be overwhelming commercial arguments in favour of law firms merging, or of one acquiring another. However, as The Brief discovers, it is vital to communicate clearly with staff throughout the process.
Will AI prove to be good, bad or indifferent for the legal profession? One thing is for certain, it’s not going away. The Brief investigates.
Sean Cully, Associate Director, and Sarah Bailey, Senior Associate, discuss the Irish private practice market in 2023
Not every solicitor wants to follow the well-trodden partnership route, which has traditionally been a problem for many more experienced lawyers. Things are changing, though, and The Brief explores the options that are increasingly available.
Eating healthily can be difficult for busy lawyers, particularly those who have to wine and dine clients regularly. The Brief presents some tips that involve more than salad.
Social media is an indispensable element of many lawyers’ professional as well as personal, lives. The Brief spoke to three senior lawyers to find out how they approach it, and how their practices have benefited as a result.
Which regions offer the best quality of life for lawyers? We trawled BCL's annual salary survey and examined average house prices in affluent neighbourhoods to discover which locations offer the best (and worst) affordability.
In the legal sector it can be difficult for firms to build genuinely distinctive identities. However, over the past decade or two firms have seriously begun addressing this, making considerable investments to develop what they hope will be distinctive firm-wide brands and coherent workplace cultures.
Mark Levine, Managing Director, discusses the In-house market in 2022 and market predictions for 2023...
Joanna Marklove, Director, discusses the Insurance & Residential Conveyancing private practice market in 2022 and market predictions for 2023...
Kelly-Anne Willis, Senior Associate, discusses the South West private practice market in 2022 and market predictions for 2023...
The BCL team discuss the East Midlands & East Anglia private practice market in 2022 and market predictions for 2023...
Angharad Warren, Director, discusses the West Midlands private practice market in 2022 and market predictions for 2023...
Sean Cully, Senior Associate, discusses the Belfast private practice market in 2022 and market predictions for 2023...
Sean Cully, Senior Associate, discusses the Dublin private practice market in 2022 and market predictions for 2023...
Alex Carpenter, Associate Director, discusses the Scotland private practice market in 2022 and market predictions for 2023...
The BCL team discuss the North of England private practice market in 2022 and market predictions for 2023.....
The FIRE movement: is retiring early all it's cracked up to be? Insights from Compare Wealth Managers...
Technology played an indispensable role in the delivery of legal services during the pandemic. The Brief asks how law firms might capitalise on IT investments as they move on from Covid-19.
Whether it be from disgruntled clients or extremists emboldened by intemperate politicians, lawyers in a number of practice areas can find themselves subjected to intimidatory behaviour. The Brief takes a look at the issue.
LexisNexis recently published its annual Bellwether survey UK SME law firms. The Brief has taken a look at its findings relating to legal talent, and discussed them with law firm leaders.
The pandemic thrust issues of employee mental health and wellbeing into the spotlight. The Brief has spoken to a selection of law firms to find out how they have responded.
The Brief interviews BCL Legal Associate Director, Charlotte Newton, as she reflects on her career in recruitment and her journey to Associate Director with BCL
BCL Legal's Alex Carpenter discusses the growth of our Scotland recruitment team and the growth within the Scottish legal market...
BCL Legal, in support of The Access To Justice Foundation: How your firm can give access to justice to those most in need
Building a positive profile in the media can be of benefit to lawyers’ businesses and their careers. Stuart Anderson, director of Alpha Public Relations, sets out a number of tips to help legal professionals engage with journalists effectively.
Workplace culture can be a powerful glue that holds teams together. It can also be fragile, and it needs to be nurtured. The Brief finds out how law firms can maintain their values and ensure consistency across their teams.
After more than a year of predominantly working from home, teams are now beginning to return to office premises in greater numbers. How are legal firms managing this transition and what might the “new normal” look like in the long term? The Brief finds out.
The Brief finds out, and hears about the impact of government policy on the financial wellbeing of criminal defence specialists.
Health focus: The Brief asks how lawyers have managed to keep in shape and finds out about the importance of good nutrition as we return to more normal ways of working.
A recent report painted a mixed picture of the sector’s performance during 2020. What do its findings mean for the profession, and how do they compare to the experience of individual firms?
The Brief in collaboration with Stribe - We want to know: How do you feel your firm understands its employees’ needs and priorities?