Michael Brazier from myhomemove

Full name:
Michael James Edward Brazier

Associate conveyancer

Years spent in the legal profession:
Five years

Specialist areas:
Conveyancing and all-rounder.

Greatest career achievement to date:
I am a non-practising barrister so being called to the bar in November 2013 was a particular highlight, after years of hard work. Also joining myhomemove due to opportunities it has afforded me.

Best piece of advice you’ve ever been given:
Always ensure you are enjoying work; if not you are in the wrong job. This was a piece of advice given by my father and is something I have tried to enforce in everything I do in life.

Describe your firm in five words:
Friendly, welcoming, sociable, hard-working, great place to work (OK just a few more than five words!)

The motto that guides your professional life:
Work hard and smile.
