Yulia Barnes

Yulia Barnes

Founder and managing partner at Barnes Law

The founder of Mayfair-based commercial practice Barnes Law shares her passions and interests

How do you like to start the day?

From the time I get into the office I’m glued to either the phone or a screen so, for me, the perfect start to my morning is being able to stay offline as long as possible.

What’s your favourite object in your office/home office?

I have a crystal ball that I keep on my desk which, though sadly lacking in premonitory powers, does make a beautiful decoration.

Who is your closest colleague?

We’re a small, tight-knit team, so it would honestly be impossible to pick who I’m closest to.

Do you have a favourite family heirloom?

Unfortunately not!

What’s your favourite song of all time?

It is, without doubt, (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction by The Rolling Stones. One of the greatest songs to ever be written.

What’s your favourite play?

I’m a huge fan of anything by Shakespeare, so it’s really hard to pick just one!

Who’s your favourite movie star?

George Clooney – who doesn’t love him?!

What’s your favourite book?

The Alchemy of Finance: The New Paradigm by George Soros is fantastic.

What book are you reading right now?

I’m currently reading Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed or Fail by Ray Dalio. It gives an intelligent overview of the last 500 years and helps make sense of an increasingly chaotic world.

What book do you wish you had written?

Chronicles of a Busy Lawyer – perhaps not one I wish I’d written, but definitely one that would sum up my life at the moment!

What’s the greatest invention of all time?

The telephone – I’m not sure how I’d get anything done without this one.

Is there a sport you wish you could play?

I’m incredibly lucky in that I already do – for me, it’s sailing, which has become a passion of mine.

Who inspires you in business?

For me it’s not a particular person, rather I’m drawn to and inspired by leaders and entrepreneurs who exhibit strength and confidence, as these are the qualities I try to aspire to every day.

In the office do you dress up, dress down or somewhere in between?

I’m a fan of smart-casual, so probably somewhere in between!

Where do you go to relax?

Short city breaks and visiting mountain peaks are my favourite ways to escape.

What country have you always wanted to visit?

There are quite a few, but Vietnam is currently at the top of my bucket list of places to visit.

Besides your phone, what do you always have with you?

My sense of humour!

What’s the best part of your job?

I love the variety in the work we do, I can truly say that no two days are ever the same. Beyond that, achieving results for our clients is probably the most gratifying part of what I do.

How do you unwind after work?

Much like the start of my day, I make time to disconnect from my devices and go fully offline after a busy day. It not only helps me relax, but also helps me set a boundary between my work and personal life – something which can be quite difficult for lawyers.

Finally, what’s your guilty pleasure?

It would have to be chocolate.


Barnes Law

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