Sharon McDermott

Sharon McDermott

Co-founder and managing director at Trenches Law

The managing director of Trenches Law, which specialises in the electronic communications industry, shares her passions and interests with the Brief

How do you like to start the day?

I like to wake up early, shower, have a cup of tea, and then work out my schedule for the rest of the day. At the weekend, I take the opportunity to sleep in, then watch Only Fools and Horses or an episode of Kojak and potter around the house.

What’s your favourite object in your office/home office?

My Sacred Heart of Jesus with red light – it supports me in getting through difficult days.

Who is your closest colleague?

Georgina Rudak, our head of legal. George looks after the legal team and is a great motivator and mentor to all of us at Trenches.

Do you have a favourite family heirloom?

My nan’s wedding ring — I wear it all of the time.

What’s your favourite song of all time?

“You’ll Never Walk Alone”, of course, being from Liverpool and a Liverpool FC fan. There are many versions, but my personal favourite is the one by Gerry and the Pacemakers.

What’s your favourite play?

A Christmas Carol is my all-time favourite play and book. It’s a story that stands the test of time.

Who’s your favourite movie star?

Denzel Washington is amazing and I’ve watched all his films.

What’s your favourite book?

As mentioned above, I love A Christmas Carol but, to relax, I like the writer Maeve Binchy. She authored my second favourite book, titled Tara Road.

What book are you reading right now?

Double Crossed by Brian Wood. It’s amazing what he went through and how he overcame it. I had the real pleasure to meet him at my son’s assembly and he was very inspirational.

What book do you wish you had written?

My biography, which would look back at both the fun and hard times I’ve experienced, and how I got to where I am now.

What’s the greatest invention of all time?

The camera, as it captures so many memories. I love to look back at photos of my late father, who passed in 2014, and of my dogs.

Is there a sport you wish you could play?

I wish I had continued with tennis. I played it when I was younger and really enjoyed it, but I’m terrible at it now.

Who inspires you in business?

I’ve always looked up to and followed Karren Brady, now Baroness Brady – I think she’s a fierce and wise woman.

In the office do you dress up, dress down, or somewhere in between?

I like to dress up, or at least wear smart casual attire. I think it’s important to look smart for many reasons.

Where do you go to relax?

I like to go to Champneys a couple of times each year, but I also love relaxing in the garden when the weather is good.

What country have you always wanted to visit?

The Maldives – everyone I know who has been there says it’s beautiful.

Besides your phone, what do you always have with you?

My laptop – I take it everywhere with me, in case there’s an urgent matter I need to attend to.

What’s the best part of your job?

The variety of work. I love the challenges that come in and I really get a lot out of helping people.

How do you unwind after work?

There’s nothing better than a glass of wine in the hot tub.

Finally, what’s your guilty pleasure?

Watching shows from the 70s and 80s such as Kojak, The Sweeney, and The Professionals – usually with a bottle of wine and popcorn in hand, while my dogs lay next to me.


Trenches Law

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