Rozie Hunter
Rozie Hunter

Articles From the Team

In the words of The Beautiful South… “I need a little time, to think it over…”

Ok – a tenous link, but hopefully it will get you reading. Recruitment these days (in the majority of cases) is a pretty fast paced world. It certainly is on my desk at the moment. Candidates are coming off the market as quickly as they are coming on it.

This post really applies to both candidates and clients. As recruiters, it is so hard for us to predict how long interview processes may take. It can take months, or just days. I have even placed a candidate over the phone within the hour before now.

A change in your career is a big one for any candidate, as is hiring a new member of staff for a client. It is absolutely key for both sides that this is the right choice for them, and then when the time comes you absolutely know you have made the right decision. So what is a fair amount of time to mull over a job offer? Well good question, and it is certainly something that should not be pressured. However there is a fine line between sensible thinking time, and over thinking – the latter of which I don’t think does us any good anyway. Sometimes you instantly know this is the role for you – and decisions can be made immediately. Sometimes there may be more than one offer on the table and it is important to weigh up the pro’s and con’s. Ultimately, someone is going to be disappointed, but dragging out the process for all involved doesn’t always paint us in the best light.

This applies to clients as well. Candidates often ask in an interview when a decision is likely to be made. Definitive time frames are always reassuring, as long as they are adhered to. “You should hear from us in a week or two” – is always a bit nerve wracking.

Take time to think it over, absolutely. But don’t take too long, it can sometimes give the impression that you aren’t interested.

For more information please contact Rozie Rhodes or visit our website BCL Legal.

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