Articles From the Team

Assessing your options

And the NQ season begins again! As September is fast approaching, it’s that time of year that those of you approaching qualification start considering the options available to you. With many firms announcing their retention later this year, many of those approaching NQ that we have been speaking to have been asking our advice on what to do. Do you consider your options whilst you wait or hold out until your current firm lets you know whether you’re being retained?

My general sense on this is to explore your options – regardless of whether you are or aren’t being retained. When approaching qualification it seems wise to get an understanding of what else is out there. It is also a great opportunity to update your CV to reflect the work that you have undertaken during your training contract, as well as gaining some interview experience with a range of firms. But fundamentally, how do you know that you’re making the right decision staying where you are without seeing what else is on offer?

We are starting to see more and more NQ roles in London, Manchester, Leeds and across the regions. As specialist legal recruitment consultants, we are able to guide you through the decision of practice areas, type and size of firm and location. We are also on hand to guide you through (re)drafting your CV and the interview process as well – and the information here may also be of assistance to you as you consider your next step.

If you’re approaching qualification and want to see what the London market has to offer, please contact BCL Legal or email us at to have a confidential discussion about the roles that we are currently working on.

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