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A bird in the hand...

So, how good are you? You have a job offer after only attending 1 interview! Not only that but you had a couple of other interviews lined up with other firms. Do you cancel the remaining interviews and save all that time and energy you would have spent on prep and attending the interview? A bird in the hand is worth two in a bush as they say….. or do you continue with the interview process just in case the grass is greener and the other role/firm/salary will be better?

The reality is that all firms are different and therefore the opportunities will be different even though the roles may be the same on paper. Until you attend an interview and meet the people it’s impossible to know how you feel about the interviewing firm. By attending the interview it could either reassure you the job offer you’re holding is the one for you, or it may throw you into turmoil if you prefer them to the firm who have already made you an offer. If that is the case, you need to be wary of timescales as delaying on making a decision on a sure thing for a more promising possibility, could mean you run the risk of losing both the sure thing and the promising possibility.

Your recruitment consultant will be able to advise and negotiate a time scale but be aware – the firm may not take kindly to you wanting to see the interview process through with other firms. They may think you lack commitment and it could blot your copy book. Offers have been withdrawn for this very reason. Looking for a new job can be stressful but a professional and knowledgeable recruitment consultant will ease the burden.

If you are looking to secure a new job within the Midlands and would like a confidential discussion contact Joanne Lack, Senior Associate at BCL Legal on 0121 230 1850 or email

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